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2011年08月09日(火)   No.155 (日記)

xyjlfcry  [E-Mail]  2015/06/27/20:11:14   No.376
CAIRO 鈥?A team from a Spanish university has discovered what Egyptian authorities are calling the world's oldest evidence of breast cancer in <a href=http://projekt.com/images/camisetas_del_real_madrid_baratas_en_madrid_023510.html>camisetas del real madrid baratas en madrid</a>
the 4,200-year-old skeleton of an adult woman. Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damaty said the bones of the woman, who lived at the end of the 6th Pharaonic Dynasty, showed an extraordinary deterioration.
The study of her remains shows the typical destructive damage provoked by the extension of a breast cancer as a metastasis, he said in a .
Egyptian Ministry of AntiquitiesA Spanish archaeological team recovered the skull and other bones from an Egyptian woman whose cancer apparently spread to her bones.Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death today,but references to the disease are sparse in archaeological records 鈥?giving rise to the idea that cancers are mainly due to modern lifestyles. Tuesday's findings, along with evidence reported last year by British researchers of found in a tomb in modern Sudan, suggest that cancer was known in the ancient Nile Valley.
The Spanish research team, based at the University of Jaen and led by the University of Granada's Miguel Ortega, said the Egyptian woman was an aristocrat from Elephantine. Her remains were discovered in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, west of the southern city of Aswan, the ministry said.

bghjsgkv  [E-Mail]  2015/06/27/19:23:13   No.375
Cena ropy spada za szybko i za mocno - uwa偶a Stephen Davis, prezes Signal Investment Research i prognozuje jej rychy wzrost
Zdaniem Davisa kurs baryki <a href=http://movilshopcr.com/img/camiseta_atletico_de_madrid_en_colombia_324324.html>camiseta atletico de madrid en colombia</a>
ropy Brent mo偶e niedugo wrci膰 do 70-80 dol.
Stephen Davis powiedzia telewizji CNBC, 偶e spodziewa si臋 wzrostu cen ropy w ci膮gu najbli偶szych 3-6 miesi臋cy o okoo 10 dol. za baryk臋. Jego zdaniem tak du偶y spadek cen to za du偶o jak na obecna nadpoda偶.
- Ludzie uwa偶aj膮, 偶e spadek spowodowaa nadpoda偶, ale jest wiele powodw tej nadpoda偶y i te powody zaczn膮 znika膰 鈥?podkre艣li Davis.
Zdaniem szefa Signal Investment Research s膮 trzy gwne przyczyny, ktre wkrtce spowoduj膮 wzrost notowa艅 ropy: poprawa kondycji globalnej gospodarki - tak w Europie jak w Chinach; wzrost popytu spowodowany sezonem letnich wyjazdw w USA; malej膮ce o偶ywienie w USA, ktre spowoduje osabienie dolara. Davis jest przekonany, 偶e sabszy dolar spowoduje wzrost popytu na rop臋 naftow膮.
Wcze艣niej inni analitycy sugerowali, 偶e cena ropy nie tylko nie wzro艣nie, ale spadnie do jeszcze ni偶szego poziomu. Ceny ropy naftowej nie osi膮gn臋y jeszcze najni偶szego poziomu - uwa偶a byy prezes Rezerwy Federalnej Alan Greenspan. A Gary Shilling przepowiada nawet, 偶e jedna baryka ropy b臋dzie kosztowa膰 10-20 dolarw. Zdaniem analityka na spadek cen ropy b臋dzie miaa wpyw wci膮偶 rosn膮ca poda偶 surowca, przy jednoczesnym spadku popytu.

mccewglc  [E-Mail]  2015/06/27/19:01:38   No.374
has pledged to pull together a comprehensive list of reforms by the start of <a href=http://www.revisionsdesignstudio.com/img/Men's_Nike_San_Francisco_49ers_53_NaVorro_Bowman_Game_Lights_Out_Grey_Super_Bowl_XLVII_NFL_Jersey_452201.html>Men's Nike San Francisco 49ers 53 NaVorro Bowman Game Lights Out Grey Super Bowl XLVII NFL Jersey</a>
next week, in an attempt to unlock fresh funds before Athens runs out of cash in April.
Government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis said on Tuesday that the programme demanded by Greece鈥 increasingly impatient creditors would be finished within days.

鈥t will be done at the latest by Monday,鈥?Sakellaridis told Mega TV, potentially teeing up another crunch meeting in Brussels to decide Greece鈥 future within the eurozone.
Although Greece鈥 financial position remains perilous, there are signs that improved ties between the eurozone鈥 largest member and its smaller, indebted neighbour.

The German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, declared that relations between the two countries have improved.
鈥鈥 pleased that the atmosphere in German-Greek talks in recent days has changed and improved significantly,鈥?Steinmeier told reporters in Berlin.

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